Do you have a broadcast key?

Live Funeral Broadcast

We were founded to bridge the distance separating families who need to be close during special moments. No matter how far apart your relatives may be around the world, we offer live broadcasts of funerals for your loved ones. Our broadcasts reach even the most remote corners of the world, with access limited to those who have a unique key, ensuring complete privacy.

Highest Quality and Discretion

We use high-quality equipment designed to operate in various conditions. Thanks to our experience and carefully selected, modern devices, our broadcasts deliver the highest possible image and sound quality. All this is done discreetly to avoid distracting the participants of the ceremony.

Join the Farewell from Anywhere

Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in the final farewell of your loved one. By focusing on our specialized services, we offer the highest quality broadcasts at an attractive price! We operate throughout Poland.

Order a broadcast by filling out the form, contacting our 24/7 hotline at +48 504 587 787 (also available on WhatsApp), or emailing us at

Media About Us
Why Should You Choose Our Online Funeral Services?

The Broadcast is Secured with a Key

This eliminates the need to send complicated or lengthy links. Instead, you can use a simple, easy-to-remember key that can be included in an obituary or shared with family and friends.

We Broadcast the Entire Ceremony

With our professional equipment, we can provide coverage of all stages of the ceremony – including the procession and the final farewell.

We Operate Across Poland

Whether the funeral is held in Warsaw, Kraków, or a smaller town, we are ready to provide the best conditions on the market!

We Will Prepare a Tribute to the Deceased Free of Charge

We will create a slideshow of photos, videos, and quotes as a tribute to the deceased, which will be included in the broadcast.

A Tailored Broadcast

We listen to all your suggestions and requests (e.g., specific filming preferences for family members or avoiding faces entirely). During the broadcast, our cameraman can respond to real-time requests from viewers, such as focusing on a particular detail.

Over 5 Years of Experience!

With broadcasts conducted across various regions of the country, we have gained the expertise needed to deliver our services professionally. We make every effort to ensure that our broadcasts are carried out discreetly, without distracting the participants of the funeral.

Service from A to Z

We provide comprehensive services – from obtaining the necessary permissions, through broadcasting the ceremony, to delivering the edited recording to the family.

Worldwide Access Without Device Limits

The broadcast is accessible anywhere in the world and can be viewed on an unlimited number of devices.

We Hold a Diocesan Certification

We have the necessary authorization from the Archdiocese to film in sacred spaces (Diocesan Permission), ensuring no issues with broadcasting a Holy Mass in memory of the deceased.

Our Sample Broadcast

Dlaczego Pogrzeby Online?

Transmisja zabezpieczona jest kluczem transmisji

Dzięki temu nie muszą Państwo wysyłać trudnych i skomplikowanych linków, a jedynie wprowadzić prosty do zapamiętania klucz, który można umieścić np. w nekrologu lub przekazać rodzinie czy znajomym.

Realizujemy transmisję całej ceremonii

Dzięki posiadaniu profesjonalnego sprzętu, relizujemy transmisję wszystkich etapów ceremonii – łącznie z procesją, czy ostatnim pożegnaniem.

Działamy na terenie całej Polski

Niezależnie od tego, czy pogrzeb organizowany jest w Warszawie, Krakowie czy mniejszej miejscowości.

Bezpłatnie przygotujemy wspomnienie zmarłej osoby

Zmontujemy pokaz zdjęć, filmów i cytatów będący wspomnieniem zmarłego, który następnie nadamy podczas transmisji.

Transmisja szyta na miarę

Wysłuchujemy wszelkich uwag i wskazówek (np. dotyczących sposobu filmowania rodziny lub całkowitego unikania twarzy). Podczas trwania transmisji nasz kamerzysta w czasie rzeczywistym może wykonywać prośby oglądającego (np. o ujęcie konkretnego detalu).

Mamy doświadczenie

Dzięki realizowaniu transmisji w różnych częściach kraju, posiadamy niezbędne doświadczenie w profesjonalnym realizowaniu naszych usług. Dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby realizowana przez nas transmisja wykonywana była dyskretnie i nie rozpraszała uczestników pogrzebu.

Usługa od A do Z

Nasze usługi wykonujemy całościowo- od pozyskania niezbędnych zgód, poprzez realizację transmisji, aż po przekazanie zmontowanego materiału rodzinie.

Bezpłatnie dostarczamy zapisany materiał

Zarejestrowana transmisja jest przez nas wzbogacana o wstęp i zakończenie, a następnie przekazywana rodzinie za pośrednictwem linku do chmury, pendrive’a lub płyty DVD.

Posiadamy Pozwolenie Diecezjalne

Posiadamy niezbędne upoważnienie z Kurii na filmowanie w obiektach sakralnych (Pozwolenie Diecezjalne), dlatego nie będzie problemu z przetransmitowaniem również Mszy Świętej w intencji osoby zmarłej.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Our broadcasts are secured with a unique broadcast key. This is an easy-to-remember code that the family can include in an obituary or share privately. Only those with the key will have access to the broadcast, allowing it to be viewed by one person or many, depending on the family’s choice.

If the family prefers, we can also provide a fully public broadcast. In this case, it will be available on a public YouTube channel with a direct link accessible from our homepage.

Absolutely not! By using YouTube, our broadcasts benefit from the platform’s stability and have no restrictions on the number of viewers or their location.

Moreover, thanks to this versatile and responsive platform, broadcasts can be conveniently watched from a computer, smartphone, or television without any issues.

We strive to make access to our broadcasts as simple as possible while maintaining proper security. To achieve this, we developed a unique broadcast key system that balances security with ease of use, even for elderly or less tech-savvy individuals.

Additionally, when providing the family with the broadcast key, we also send a visual step-by-step guide to accessing the broadcast.

The best testament to the effectiveness of this approach is that, to date, no one has experienced difficulties accessing a broadcast we have delivered.

Typically, the recorded broadcast remains available for rewatching for up to one month after it concludes. It can be replayed in the same way it was accessed during the live event.

Additionally, during the live broadcast, viewers can freely rewind to earlier moments, ensuring that no part of the ceremony is missed.

We make every effort to ensure that our operators work as discreetly as possible, and feedback from our clients confirms this approach.

Typically, one cameraman (with an optional assistant) attends the funeral ceremony, avoiding filming faces and striving to remain unobtrusive. Of course, our filming style is tailored to the family’s preferences, including whether or not to capture attendees on camera.

The default payment method is a bank transfer, but for the convenience of our clients, we also accept cash payments, as well as payments via PayPal and Revolut.

Before providing the service, we require a 50% deposit, with the remaining balance payable after the broadcast is completed.

You can find our sample broadcast in the “Our Sample Broadcast” section (click to view).

Service Quote - Response in Minutes!

We encourage you to take advantage of our free service quote. Simply fill out the form, and within a few minutes, we’ll send you a personalized offer.

Requesting a quote does not obligate you to order the service. We will only contact you once in the method you choose.